Not your normal pair of words—prosper and pain? Am I a masochist who loves pain? NO! I hate pain. But if pain is forced upon you, are you helpless? NO! There are tricks you can choose using your powerful mind. Remember, be careful what you say because your brain is listening.
1. Change your vocabulary from predictive to descriptive. Examples: from I always, I’ll never, it always, it never. Instead be descriptive of past circumstances: I have often, so far I haven’t ever, in the past it usually, it hasn’t happened yet. YET is the most powerful word in many situations such as pain.
2. Direct your mind to a body part that feels good; the pain will reduce. Try to feel nerves you don’t usually notice or use; the pain will reduce.
3. Summon from memory the last pain that went away—and the fear that went away with it. Vocally talk to your brain: “That pain went away. Pains go away. That fear went away. Fears went away.”
4. Decide who will be the boss: you, not the pain. Make the pain pay rent to you, by giving it a useful purpose.
5. Make proper identifications. Who is the victim? Not you—your pain is. Who is the liar? Not you—your pain is. Who is made in God’s image? Not the pain—YOU are.
6. Pain is your school on how to be kind to others; earn your degree by putting it to a good purpose. Watch what makes you feel loved when you hurt. Then use those loving actions to help others when they hurt.
7. When a body part hurts, it is an alert system. AS others express similar discomfort, you have authority from Jesus to heal them. Depth warning: our Christian faith is all about substitution. As Jesus traded places with you and me, our pain tells us who we can impart healing to, and for what.
For more insights on pain, listen to my BONUS podcast episode on the topic at
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