Our Story of Daily Death and Daily Life

Four events have dominated my life. With that backbone, the story tells itself. 

•  My birth with a heart defect

•  My salvation in the Grand Canyon

•  My marriage to Diane Davis of Lookout Mountain, TN

•  My move for ministry training to Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Since my birth before heart surgeries were possible, seven separate life-threatening health crises have occurred, each healed in its turn. I’ve learned this: doctors can fix you, but only Jesus can heal you. So now I snow ski, backpack, and vigorously do anything I want to do.

The benefit of this frequent reminder of my death is a freedom to live without fear. Seem like a paradox? Keep reading.

It was on a 1974 backpacking trip through Mexico and the American West that God opened my soul like a sardine can. When I backpacked into the Grand Canyon surrounded by the majestic sunset tints, I was ready to be saved. Of course like anyone, I didn’t want to go to hell when I died! But I was attracted to the most effective way to live, and ever since then, my personal thirst has been to enjoy Jesus Christ and be more like Him.

Living as a Christian is a daily death to our self-will, a constant birthing into His will. I was well-equipped to live with daily death, and living for such a glorious Person made it fruitful.

Diane and I dated only 7 weeks in 1979, and were engaged only 4 months. 45 faithful years in love has proven us. We raised two adopted sons, now 25 & 31, and now help with our grandson who’s 8. We have worked together for years in a self-employed format, providing estate docs, financial services and ministry. Diane is a retired educator who taught every grade from kindergarten through to college sophomore. Her specialties were literature and the classical languages of Latin and Greek. She is now near completion of her first book, Is the Bible Even Real? Who Knew!

Fast forward over the decades to September 9, 2011. Skip over the packed days of work, childrearing, home life, civic service and ministry services. That September night I had a dream clearly indicating that God wanted my wife and me in Santa Rosa Beach FL to enroll in the Ministry Training College of Christian International. He not only gave us the leadership, He also gave us the obedience. On the strength of the dream and other confirmations, we packed up everything and moved as He instructed.

Now I have 30 years serving people who want peace of mind about their assets and income, 45 years in active Christian leadership (both paid and volunteer), and 50 years of joyous Christian maturing. Through it all, I can affirm what Apostle Paul said about the Christian life in 2 Corinthians 4:18.

We die every day, that the life of Jesus may be revealed in our mortal bodies.

My story isn’t finished. The date of my death will come for certain, just like yours will—and like you, I am accountable for fruitfulness. Let’s live until we die!

4th Generation Rocketeer! Paul Renfroe & grandson – NOT a SpaceX landing!
Paul Braves the Continental Divide! Nothing like a cold sunny day on 2 skis!

YES or NO: Do you want to throw money out the window for anyone to take?

No? A reckless speculator, you are not. Safe money for you! But preventing loss isn’t only about safe money. Do YOU have your legal control doocuments signed and notarized? Getting sick without them (or even dying) is THROWING MONEY OUT YOUR WINDOW.

You can easily procrastinate—and suffer for it. Worst of all: your family suffers. That procrastination is YOUR WILL.

You will definitely have times you cannot speak for yourself. Wills, trusts, advance directives, living wills and powers of attorney all extend your control over your own assets and family members.

Using Estate Docs Pro, Diane and I provide your seven legal control documents:

  • on your own schedule,
  • in your own home,
  • one low fee for life,
  • less than 50% of the local market, and
  • all changes are FREE.

Learn more about our inexpensive legal control documents at EstateDocsPro.com.

"When I had to activate my power of attorney, I was hitting brick wall after brick wall with my parents’ investment companies. Months went by—weekly phone calls with no results. My frustration level skyrocketed. Then I met Paul. Hesitant at first, I then handed over boxes and boxes of documents. IN a few short days he had organized everything—EVERYTHING—on one spreadsheet. He knew exactly what to ask the companies for and pushed them to stop stonewalling me. I immediately had a HUGE sense of relief. I highly recommend working with Paul."

Julie Doty

EmeraldCoastAccounts.com Review

People who want more of the unseen resources in their life, who want less darkness and more light, who are willing to chance a venture into some unfamiliar territories – where can you go? 

Paul & Diane are approachable, personable, and most importantly meek so that no one is afraid to give it a shot with them. They’ve been married four decades and are very comfortable in their own skin – and want you to be as well. 

They are long noted for their perceptive abilities and their impact on people seeking a deeper spiritual life. Ordained by Christian International, they have written numerous books to help people see higher. They also provide conference speaking, pulpit fill, prophetic ministry, deliverance and healing. The unifying theme is their lifelong pursuit of intimacy with Jesus Christ. They are both highly educated with advanced degrees but their favorite “advanced degree” is their daily learning from both the depths and shallows of God’s Word. 

YES or NO: “I am concerned to protect my savings.”

Yes? Good! You don’t want to lose in the market. But more serious risks to your money are hidden—until it’s too late, that is. Health risk means you can’t personally conduct your affairs? Untrustworthiness risk includes relatives and advisors who reveal their true colors when you can least resist them. Don’t forget government rules you didn’t know about; I call that congressional risk.

Inflation risk is a double-whammy; your assets quietly shrink in value when everyday expenses increase. The complexity risk of modern life can overtax your capacity, and make you a victim. These are only some of the many risks you face.

YES or NO: Would I like to have fewer risks to my happiness?

Yes? Then through Cross Your Line LLC, we help you transfer your risks away. All accounts offered are insured to at least $250,000 by government-mandated agencies familiar to everyone—without limiting you to peanuts for interest.



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"Paul has been such an inspiration to me personally, spiritually and financially. I felt such a sense of well-being after meeting with him. Paul has renewed my faith and trust."

Emily Runkle

PaulRenfroe.com Review

"In Paul, I finally found someone I could trust to help me, someone to help me navigate my way though my challenges. I was thrilled over his very sound suggestions. He helped me every step of the way. I couldn’t have done this without Paul."

Julie Doty

PaulRenfroe.com Review

"I had lost quite a bit over the years with bad financial decision. Paul answered all my questions; he spent hours with us, always with patience and understanding. Never did he pressure us or back away from questions—always honest. AND my investment is certainly growing in a positive way!"

Emily Runkle

EmeraldCoastAccounts.com Review

"When I had to activate my power of attorney, I was hitting brick wall after brick wall with my parents’ investment companies. Months went by—weekly phone calls with no results. My frustration level skyrocketed. Then I met Paul. Hesitant at first, I then handed over boxes and boxes of documents. IN a few short days he had organized everything—EVERYTHING—on one spreadsheet. He knew exactly what to ask the companies for and pushed them to stop stonewalling me. I immediately had a HUGE sense of relief. I highly recommend working with Paul."

Julie Doty

EmeraldCoastAccounts.com Review

Contact Us!

If you find your own desires in line with the wisdom we have been given, simply use the form below to start some conversation with us. That’s all you need do, to get the ball rolling.

Paul Renfroe